May 2, 1968, Frozen In Time, Forever In My Mind $
By $
SP4 Danny Lee Clark, Sr

SP4 Danny Clark, Mad Dog Crew Chief and Doorgunner, (Jan 68- Dec 68) and second tour with the 240th (Feb 69-Jul 69) flying doorgunner on a mission in the Mad Dog's UH-1C Hueys. Unlike the Greyhound (SLICKS) crew chief's and gunner's, the M60 machine gun used by the Mad Dogs is not mounted and is hanging from a strap to give the gunners more leeway with the weapon when engaging the enemy.
This was the position that Danny was sitting when he and the rest of the Mad Dogs & Greyhounds flew off to face and make history on May 2, 1968. He and his crewchief/doorgunner, Pete Galis, were the number 2 Mad Dog Gunship, better known as the wingman, to SP5 Paul "Frenchy" LaChance's lead Mad Dog Gunship. WO1 Larry S. McKibben, SP4 Michael D. Craig and SP4 Nelson E. Fournier paid the Supreme Sacrifice with other 240th AHC members being wounded and several Hueys lost but they LEFT NO ONE BEHIND. Shortly after this mission was completed Danny Clark was promoted to SP5.

SP4 Danny Clark displaying captured weaponry of the enemy. In his right hand Danny is holding the famous AK47 assault rifle, an SKS rifle in his left hand and the M-3 or M-3A1 American made sub-machine gun in front. The NVA/VC used a variety of different weapons which meant any weapon they could get their hands on.

SP4 Danny Clark in front of Hall of Fame.
SP4 Danny Lee Clark, Sr. dedicates the following to MSG.Benavidez, his brothers of the 240th on the mission, and all others involved.
During my first tour with the 240th AHC (Jan 68- Dec 68) and during my second tour with the 240th (Feb 69-Jul 69) we participated in several support missions including Greyhounds (Slicks) and Mad Dogs (Gunships) alike with the Special Forces in various areas, some of which have not been disclosed to this day, and most of them went without the proper recognition of the specific Units and Personnel who contributed to and participated in them. The May 2nd 1968 Mission was indeed among the roughest of them, this Web-Site is an Outstanding Tribute to all those who served that day, and most importantly to those who "Gave All".
I feel Honored to have served with those concerning this mission and all other missions that we participated in, all of which are permanently etched in the archives of my mind, heart and soul as well as mentioned in my prayers often. I wish to pass along my sincerest condolences to all the Surviving Family Members of all Our Fallen Brothers, all Special Forces Fallen Brothers, and to all Surviving Family Members of the Indigenous Personnel of the Special Forces Team who "Gave All" , and to let it be known that they will Never, Ever Be Forgotten!.
Very Respectfully
Danny Lee Clark Sr
Former Mad Dog CrewChief / Gunner
Tribute to MSG. Benavidez
Don't miss the new link on the websites with an invitation to West Point for the dedication of the Bronze Bust of MSG. Benavidez!

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