Reunion Photos, LZ Dothan October 2002
We want to express our deep appreciation to Billy and Linda Marchetti for taking the time to send these reunion pictures from LZ Dothan, October 2002 so that we may share them will all of you. Most of the 240th members and their families had a great time and we are looking forward to our next gathering, sometime in 2004 or early 2005.

Here is the Greyhound poster that was brought to LZ Dothan by Major Glenn Hoffman, the first XO of the 240th and our second Greyhound 6. Major Glenn wanted all the 240th members to sign the poster and he will bring it to each and every reunion that we now have.

That handsome guy on the right is Billy Marchetti, Greyhound CE/Doorgunner, White Flight, 1969-1970. To your left is Ragman, CE/Doorgunner, Mad Dogs, 1969-1970. This was the first time Billy and Ragman had seen each other in 32 years! The sign you see between us was created by Hunter Causey, 240th Company Clerk, 1969-1970. Hunter did an outstanding job hand painting the sign and Linda Marchetti, Billy's lovely wife, did some fine photography work!

Billy and Linda took this picture of a Huey at the Fort Rucker Flightline. We know Billy was "chomping at the bit" to run out there and jump in this chopper to fly one more mission.

A Longbow Apache attack helicopter at Fort Rucker. Watch out, Saddam, they are coming to get you!

The banquet room with our Honors Table representing our 240th Brothers that were KIA and other Brothers of the 240th that have passed on since coming home from Vietnam. The LZ Dothan, Alabama banner and Major Glenn Hoffman's Greyhound banner hang in the background. Rest in peace, our 240th Brothers that are gone but surely not forgotten.

Leroy Rutherford, 240th Member, 1971. Glad you attended, Leroy, and hope to see you at the next gathering.

From left to right, Billy Marchetti, Joe 'Ragman' Tarnovsky, Mike Jones (close personal friend of Dean 'Babe' Wright, Greyhound Crewmember, 1970, that has since passed on) and we can't remember the name of the gentleman on the far right. If you can help us with the name please email me.