Photos of Steve Beckner

Here is Steve Beckner, Doorgunner, Greyhound White Flight, 1968, sitting on top of the Black Virgin Mountain. Steve said it had a nice view but he wasn't interested in purchasing a lot!

Steve brought this picture over to my house to scan and put up on one of the 240th websites. This is the Greyhound, Mad Dog mirror, I don't see a Kennel Keeper logo but I am sure some of our fabulous Kennel Keepers signed it, and it was hanging on the side of one of the buildings. I am not for certain, but this looks like the same mirror that ended up behind the officer's bar. Ben "Gentle Ben" Thompson, Kennel Keeper 3, 68/69, tried to ship this mirror home in one piece but unfortunately someone stole the blankets he put in there for packing and the mirror shattered.
This photo shows Steve Beckner on the left and Henry Page on the right and they are holding a Viet Cong battle flag souvenir. Sadly, Henry Page was killed in the 240th AHC midair collision which took place on June 25, 1968. Henry was a Specialist 5 and was aboard ill-fated Greyhound SLICK, UH-1H 66 16592. Rest in peace, Brother Henry, you are gone but your sacrifice for your country will never be forgotten by Steve or the rest of the men and their families of the 240th Assault Helicopter Company.

Steve took this picture of Mr. Eisenhour while the Greyhounds were shut down and taking a well deserved break. This photo captures the essence of why people like Steve and Mr. Eisenhour went to South Vietnam, to secure a free and democratic future for the South Vietnamese people. Many a 240th Brother found some joy and comfort in talking, playing and entertaining the young South Vietnamese children. Mr. Eisenhour gave the supreme sacrifice for his country in South Vietnam on August 18th, 1968. You won't be forgotten, Mr. Eisenhour.

Here's a young Steve Beckner, Greyhound White Flight Doorgunner, wearing the red, white and blue scarves they wore on Special Operation Missions. There is a picture on 240th Flightline, showing the same type scarf that was worn by John Thrift, Greyhound Crew Chief and Doorgunner.

Steve snapped this photo of one of the many pretty stewardess' that made many flights with all the GI's going to and coming from Vietnam. The sweet smell of round-eye perfume was a reminder of home and even airline meals were good compared to what was coming when you hit the door of the plane to step foot in South Vietnam! In this particular photo that Steve took, he and the rest of the GI's on board were heading home on the Freedom Bird from Ton Son Nhut Airport, Saigon, September 20, 1968. Notice the pins and medals the stewardess was wearing that she received from the military men and women leaving South Vietnam and heading back to THE WORLD!

The whine of the L13 Greyhound engines, the L11 Mad Dog engines, the smell of JP4 and another day of battle for the men of the 240th Assault Helicopter Company. This looks like a 10/4 mission, 10 Greyhound SLICK SHIPS and 4 MAD DOG GUNSHIPS ready to do battle with Charlie! The American Infantry units we supported in Vietnam, 5th Special Forces, 9th Infantry (Old Reliables), 25th Infantry (Tropic Lightning), 199th Light Infantry Brigade and the USMC Marine Advisors out of Nha Be had the utmost of respect for the men of the 240th AHC and we felt the same way towards them!

We need some help from our 240th Brothers for this picture, please. Steve thinks that is Mr. Russell sitting in the chopper with his back against the wall inside the cabin. Can anyone verify this for us and identify the other men in this photo? Any help would be greatly appreciated by Steve and myself, Ragman. Thanks again, Steve, for your help with the names that you knew. The first man sitting in the chopper, we don't know his name. The man sitting on the other side of the bird is WO Mr. Bill Darling. Sitting across from Mr. Darling, giving the "one finger peace sign" is Marty Begosh. The man lying down and taking a well deserved rest is WO Alvis Faverty. Both WO Faverty and Marty Begosh were KIA on August 18, 1968 and also killed on that day was Mr. Eisenhour, not in the picture.

Sitting left to right the men by the table is Al Tagliaferri from California. He was Steve's first crew chief and Steve and Al were flying together during the infamous and deadly 240th AHC midair on 6/25/68. Al was also on the mission to rescue MOH Recipient Roy P. Benavidez and Al had leapt from his Greyhound SLICK in the LZ in Cambodia where all this was taking place to render assistance and was refusing to leave until everyone had been evacuated out! The man with the glasses sitting on the cot we don't know his name. The man next to him, we don't have a name for him either. The man sitting on the far right of the cot is Marty Begosh, KIA 8/18/68. We also don't have a name for the man sitting on the floor in the middle of the picture.
Mad Dogs, Greyhounds & Kennel Keepers