Photos of Speedy Gonzales

Martin "Speedy" Gonzales served in the 240th AHC from January 68 to January 69 and was in the Kennel Keeper Platoon. Like many other Kennel Keepers, he and they often volunteered to fly as doorgunners whenever they could. There volunteering to fly as doorgunners was in addition to often working long hours, sometimes 12 to 14 hours a day, to make sure the Greyhound and Mad Dog aircraft were flight worthy for the men in the Lift and Gun Platoons. Once again, the Greyhounds and Mad Dogs render a salute of respect and thankfulness for having such dedicated professionals in our Kennel Keeper Maintenance Platoon, such as Speedy. This first picture is of Speedy and as he says on the back of this photo, "Just chillin, 19 years old and just out of high school; San Jacinto High in Houston, Texas."

Here's a shot taken by Speedy of the Orderly Room. Notice the nice little sand bag area to run if mortars or rockets started falling. As usual at most American bases in South Vietnam, no grass for a lawn which reminds me of what one GI said about The Nam. "Vietnam, the only place in the world where you can stand up to your neck in mud and have dust blowing in your face!" One can see the 240th AHC motto on the Orderly Room, "Go Greyhound And Leave The Flying To Us!"

We don't know if Speedy is in the picture or he took it but either way, one of the most important times for the men of the 240th AHC, MAIL CALL! At the end of a work day or when the Flight Crews came off the flightline, this was the first place that every man went to for that precious "touch of home!" Great picture of the GREYHOUND U.S. MAIL ROOM.

The right side of the Orderly Room where Speedy wanted to get the rest of the 240th AHC motto in a picture.

Speedy took this picture of one of our Kennel Keeper Brothers tracking the rotor blades on this Mad Dog Gunship to make sure the crew had a safe and smooth flight. Hats off to our Kennel Keeper Brothers and THANK YOU for a job well done!

Speedy can't remember if this is him or someone else. To quote Speedy on what he wrote on back of the picture: "Can't remember if this is me or someone else; too long ago, HUH!" The sign hanging above this 240th Brother reads: RESURRECTION CITY, CAPACITY 125. EACH SIDE. Speedy is currently on active duty and has been serving his country ever since he entered the service back in 1967. If anyone would like to drop Martin 'Speedy' Gonzales and email, you'll find his email address on the RETURN TO SENDER page on Flightline or the EMAIL CONTACTS FOR 240th MEMBERS on LZ and I know he would enjoy hearing from any 240th member or their family. Thank you, Speedy, for your many years of faithful and honorable service to America.