Charlie Kosko, KK2
Charlie Kosko was Kennel Keeper 2 in the 240th from 1968 to 1969. The following pictures are what KK2 has sent us and we certainly apologize for the delay in getting his contributions from the 240th AHC up on the website.
As Sept 26, 1968 came we did have a nice day but lots of work. As the outhouse cleaner dumped the honey burning in the ditch the fuel that ran all AM from our POL lit off. Thanks to the hard work of the maintenance guys we did not loose any aircraft and no one got hurt. The biggest thing was the fire truck standing by watching the fuel leak.
The 3,000gal bladder had a three inch tear in the top. They were waiting for the Engineers to plug it.

Fleet had left about 5.30AM going south this fire took out all the fuel for us and the Emues.

These pictures include some who were involved with moving a/c,
getting the ammo out of the lockers by the flightline and keeping everyone clear as the spent/bent ammo that was dumped in the pails on the flight line was cooking off. Needless to say, the call went out to 6 who was leading the mission at Dong Tam telling him to go to Mobil or Shell. He asked why Think I said turn to 360 Degrees and what do you see. Two clicks on the mike was all. That was a fun day and it all started around lunch time.

PS Ragman and Frenchy and all the other Mad Dogs and Greyhounds say, "Thank the Lord for the best maintenance platoon any assault helicopter unit could have had in Vietnam, our fabulous Kennel Keepers with leaders like Charlie Kosko, KK2 and Gentle Ben Thompson, KK3!