Mad Dog Pilots and Their GIB's
(Guys in Back)
CW2 Mike Forrester, Mad
Dog 16 and his crew, Mad Dog Gunner, Mike "Fat" Chance DeAngelis, and Merle
"Ice" Thompson.
Notice bullet hole in tail rotordrive shaft cover.
Mad Dog
Gunship 204, Date unknown.
Bullet went all the way through the main
tail-rotor drive shaft and out the cover, as seen by the very large hole. About
50% of the drive shaft was destroyed but it still managed to turn. Mad Dog 16
and the crew managed to make a quick landing. The crew encountered two VC and
had them on the run when one VC turned, facing the Mad Dog Gunship "eyeball to
eyeball" (this guy had a large set of---lets just say he was brave) and fired a
long burst from his AK47 at Mad Dog 16 and his crew!!!!! Several rounds from the
VC hit the rocket pod, setting off one of the rockets putting the Mad Dog crew
into a wild skid! Other rounds found their way into the bottom of the aircraft.
Both VC got away, they had LADY LUCK on their side that day!!! Mad Dog Gunship
204 was airlifted back to Bearcat by a Chinook. A Day In The Life Of A Mad Dog Crew
In Vietnam.
Mad Dog 16, Mike
Forrester and Mad Dog Doorgunner Gary Dreyer in back, after a firefight down in
the Rungsat, early 1970.
Mad Dog 16 smiling, and telling Ragman,
"We need
to go to Church tomorrow"
( Yeah, sure )
Left to right
Duane "Dancing Bear" Gulker, Mad Dog 39
CW2 John Adams, Mad Dog 31
date unknown, 69 or 70

Aerial view of
Courtesy of Bob Woodley
HHC, 222nd CAB
Mad Dogs,
Greyhounds, Kennel Keepers