Photos of Wayne Mutza
Wayne Mutza served as a CE/Doorgunner with White Flight of the 240th AHC in 1971. We thank Wayne for sending the following pictures, which enables us to share his memories of the 240th with everyone on the Internet. I want to personally thank Wayne for being so patient, as he had sent me these particular pictures some time ago and I am finally getting them scanned and sent to Linda to put up a page on LZ for Wayne. I need to get these photos sent back to Wayne because I don't want that Greyhound heading to Parma to give his old Mad Dog a swift kick in the butt! Everyone knows how the Greyhounds of White and Blue Flight were; they would gladly drop into a hot LZ just looking for a fight! All kidding aside, thanks, Wayne, for allowing us to make you a part of LZ of the 240th AHC. As I mentioned on Wayne's page on Flightline, he is an accomplished author having written numerous books about aviation in the Vietnam War.

Here is Wayne Mutza with the Army Rangers at the perimeter guard tower at Long Binh, 1971.

Here's a great picture of "Pabst Blue Flight" inserting troops near a bunker complex, 1971. Blue Flight had some great looking nose art on their Hueys! Does any one know who painted the nose art for Blue Flight?

Wayne sure took some fantastic pictures while in the 240th AHC. Here's perfect photo of a SLICK with "Pabst Blue Flight" of the 240th AHC, UH-1H 68-15563, over the Plain of Reeds with ARVN troops, 1971.

Can't you just hear the sounds of those rotor blades cutting through the air?? Here is White Flight of the 240th AHC, trail formation "going in" on a combat assault, 1971.

Talk about not having a good day! Here was the Greyhound SLICK of the 240th AHC, White Flight, which was named the "Super Scenic Cruiser." This aircraft crashed after inserting Thai troops in September of 1971. The crew was: AC-Hoffman, copilot-Malecki, CE-Schaefer (who was injured badly) and Gunner-Badua.

Here is a picture of Wayne Mutza (left) and his friend and fellow crew chief, Luis Quintero. This photo was taken in 1970 when Wayne and Luis were in the 3/17 Cav, 82nd Airborne Division, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Thanks again, Wayne, for allowing us to make you a part of LZ of the 240th. The websites would NOT be what they are without all the contributions of our 240th Brothers and/or families that have sent us their personal photos and memorabilia of their time in the 240th AHC. Linda, Frenchy and myself are honored that all of you that have sent us items for these websites and allow us to display them to share with others. Thank you all! I also want to personally thank Wayne for sending me an autographed copy of one of his books to send to our adopted 240th family in England, Rob, Vic and Phil.