LZ Dothan, Alabama Reunion Information We want to thank everyone that attended the 2002, 240th Reunion, at Dothan, Alabama. We were honored to have the Gold Star Families of Captain Charles B. Jilcott, KIA 3/8/68, SP5 Joseph G. Catoir, KIA 6/25/68 and CW2 Thomas J. Smith, KIA 6/25/68. We were humbled to be in the presence of these Gold Star Families, as their loved ones, our 240th Brothers, paid the Supreme Sacrifice for our country. We will never forget all our 240th Brothers that made the ultimate sacrifice nor our three POW/MIA's, Captain Peter J. Russell, SP6 Donald R. Fowler and SSG Steven M. Hastings. We also had close friends in attendance of two of our 240th Brothers that are no longer with us, Mike Jones, friend of Dean 'Babe' Wright, Greyhound CE/Doorgunner, 69-70, that passed away several years ago and Barbara Burrowes, childhood friend of Ragman's doorgunner, Danny Dye, who was KIA, 10/22/71, after he left the 240th AHC and went to the 116th AHC. Frenchy and Ragman would also like to thank CW2 (Retired CW4) Bob Cooper, Greyhound 2, 69/70 and SP5 Jackie Warner (Retired Command Sergeant Major) for their help and expertise in making this gathering so enjoyable. Even with all the security in our country and especially at our military bases, Bob Cooper arranged a personal tour of the Fort Rucker Flightline for all those in attendance. Jackie Warner took Frenchy all around Dothan to run errands, taking care of reunion business to make sure the 240th AHC gathering was a success. Ms. Peggy Burgess, widow of our late brother, Billy "Bubba" Burgess, we also thank you for being there and addressing the men and their families of the 240th AHC. We know it was very emotional for you and we sincerely appreciate you coming. We were honored to have CSM Lannone with us and thank him for taking the time to recognize the 240th AHC and updating us on the latest technology of Army Aviation. To all the 240th Brothers and their families that were thanking Frenchy and myself, we appreciate your kind words but it is you and your families that made the reunion the success it was and your participation in future gatherings will ensure that the legacy of the 240th AHC will live on. Frenchy and I were honored to be among such patriotic men and women that are a part of the 240th family. We had Major Glenn Hoffman, Major Bill Overholser, Major Arch Riggenberg and Major Jimmy Moore in attendance and they all spoke so eloquently about the great chopper outfit we all made up in Vietnam. Men like Major Jimmy Moore, Major Glenn Hoffman, Bill Proud and others that made up the 240th AHC from the start, set the standard of excellence for the rest of us to follow and hopefully, the originals think that those of us that did follow kept up the proud tradition of the 240th they started. Bob Cooper, Greyhound 2, 69/70, won the saw that was donated by Mark and Shirley Dowdy. Congratulations, Bob! Mark Dowdy was the armorer and flew with the Mad Dogs as a doorgunner on many occasions during the years 69/70. Thank you, Mark and Shirley, for your generosity and we hope you'll be with us for the next gathering. As usual, Walt and Mary Weber were there for the 240th family and they had decals made up with the 240th logo and gave them out to each and every person attending the reunion. Mary Weber also made a beautiful afghan, a replica of our Grand Flag, and our adopted family from England won that at the raffle. Vic and Rob Cobley and their friend, Phil Foran scheduled their vacation from England just to attend the 240th Reunion. Phil is a British Army Veteran, having fought in the Falklands War, two tours in Northern Ireland and some time in the British Honduras, now Belize. Mary Weber, your creativity and love of the 240th AHC and our country really showed in the beautiful afghan that you made! As soon as Frenchy gets some relief from his back pain, we will start to work on the next assembly for 2004 or early 2005. We are going to have a good old fashion New England Clambake right in Frenchy's backyard. We will keep everyone informed and updated as plans are made and finalized for the next meeting of 240th Brothers and their families. Frenchy and Ragman want to keep the 240th Reunions going, as we think like all of you, our company was to good and did such a great job in Vietnam to be forgotten. We will accept all help in planning this next reunion and hope some of our Brothers and their families will participate in organizing and setting up this next get together. Everybody is welcome to participate and we value your input and opinions and you all are more than welcomed to be involved. I didn't mention everyone that attended LZ Dothan as I don't remember everything that everyone said. If you would like to post your comments on this page, please email me at: ragman240@aol.com and we will gladly include your thoughts and comments. All of the 240th Brothers said so many wonderful things on Saturday night and I would like to add any and all of your comments if you want to be represented on this page or if we have to, we'll make another page. Don't forget, if you want a page or pages of your precious memories on LZ of the 240th or 240th Flightline websites, we welcome your pictures and memorabilia and would be honored to have you on the websites with those of us already represented. As with the reunion, it is the 240th Brothers and their families that have contributed their memories of their time in the 240th AHC that have made the websites what they are. I thank all of you that commented on the quality of the websites and want to give a special thanks to Ms. Linda Luther, our webmistress, who has put up everything on both sites. Please don't hesitate to email myself, Frenchy and/or Linda with any suggestions, comments, ideas or constructive criticism for the websites. We encourage you to participate, the websites belong to all those that are represented on both LZ and Flightline. I know this is a rather long message about the 2002, 240th Reunion, LZ Dothan, but it is hard to put all of our thoughts in just a few sentences. Last and certainly not least, we would like to thank the Fort Rucker Cadet Color Guard for their attendance and presenting and retiring the colors with such precision and professionalism. When the Color Guard marched in to present the colors and then to retire our glorious Flag, you could hear a pin drop and I know I wasn't the only one with tears in my eyes, especially when Paul 'Frenchy' LaChance rendered a crisp salute of respect to the Color Guard each time they appeared in the banquet room. It was a grand time and we plan on doing it again. We'll keep you all informed and get ready for the clambake up in New England! Welcome Home, Our 240th AHC Brothers, and we thank you and your families for attending this wonderful gathering and making it the success it turned out to be! Frenchy and Ragman PS Thank you, Joannie LaChance, you worked so hard to help your husband, Frenchy, with the LZ Dothan Reunion and holding down a full time job and helping to take care of your twin granddauthers, we know that didn't leave you much free time. To Jerry Zeranick, your comments were so heartwarming when you addressed the group Saturday night and as you spoke, I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes! Thank you, Jerry!
One of two banners made for LZ Dothan, this one recognizing all the Flight Platoons and this reunion being dedication to our Fabulous Kennel Keepers.
The Gold Star Family of Captain Charles Jilcott, KIA 3/8/68. From left to right, Captain Jilcott's sister, Linda; her husband (please help us again with this gentleman's name; son and dauther-in-law of Bea Jilcott, Captain Jilcott's widow and the former Bea Jilcott Ahrendt. We sincerely apologize for forgetting the names of some of the 240th family members we are displaying pictures of and if someone doesn't mind, please refresh our memories.
Cadet Color Guard from Fort Rucker, Alabama. What a magnificent job they did and did they ever look sharp and professional in their uniforms and in presenting and retiring The Colors!
Bea Jilcott-Ahrendt and Steve Jilcott, widow and brother, respectively, of Captain Charles Jilcott, KIA 3/8/68. Steve is wearing the original Mad Dog patch that his brother wore while flying as an Aircraft Commander with the Mad Dogs of the 240th AHC.
Maddogs, Greyhounds, Kennel Keepers |