Union Jacks And Stars And Stripes

It was a lucky day for me when Rob Cobley, a citizen of Great Britain, contacted me via the Internet. I soon learned that Rob was a dedicated supporter of America's Vietnam Veterans and had a vast knowledge of our history in S.E. Asia; more so than many Americans. A family/friendship bond developed between myself, Rob, his lovely wife, Vic and their close friend, Phil. Phil is a Veteran of the British Army and served in the Falklands War, two tours in Northern Ireland and British Honduras, know known as Belize. Rob, Vic and Phil even planned their vacation so they could join us at LZ Dothan, the 240th's, 2002 Reunion in Dothan, Alabama and Fort Rucker.
A helicopter museum opened its doors near Rob's hometown, Bristol, England and our English ally, friend, brother and supporter has acquired memorabilia, pictures and personal data and donated the items to the museum for display. Rob wouldn't take any money for his out-of-pocket expense as this was a "labor of love" for him, Vic and Phil as he wanted the 240th Assault Helicopter Company to be represented in this museum. When one thinks about it that is really no surprise, Great Britain and the United States have stood shoulder-to-shoulder many times in history including the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I will obtain the link from Rob for the helicopter museum so we can take a tour and if any one would like to send Rob any pictures or other memorabilia for display or his personal collection and tribute to the 240th AHC, Rob can be contacted at the following email address:
Rob Cobley: hitmanleon0@blueyonder.co.uk
Thanks, Rob, Vic and Phil, your admiration, respect and love for America's Vietnam Veterans means so much and is greatly appreciated and we extend those same feelings right back to you!
The plaque you see below was dedicated to America's Vietnam Veterans by Rob Cobley and his family and is located in Grove Park, Washington. All of us at the 240th AHC are grateful and deeply humbled by your support, love and respect for us.


This is a picture of Uncle Jack Luther, he served in World War 2 and was with Baker Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne. Jack is the uncle of Victoria, Rob Cobley's wife.

The two pictures above are of SGT. Steven R. Luther, Jack Luther's son and cousin to Victoria Cobley, Rob's wife, just before he was shipping out to go to South Vietnam. Steven was a "communications specialist with an A Detachment in a Montagnard Village on the Cambodian Border from October 1969 until September of 1970, 5th Special Forces Group [1st Special Forces Airborne]. Steve spent time with the 5th SF in Vietnam. Sadly, Steve passed away in 1992. Vic and Rob are researching and trying to find out more information about their cousin, Steve.

This is another son of Jack Luther, Jeff, younger brother of Steve and cousin to Victoria and Rob. Jeff served in the 187th PIR, 101st Airborne on the DMZ in Korea and with the 17th Infantry, 7th Infantry Division, Germany.
The link at the bottom of this page is for helicopter museum where there will be a display honoring the 240th Assault Helicopter Company. This is England's only helicopter museum and is located at Weston-super-Mare on the South West coast of England and is the world's largest dedicated museum to that fablous aircraft, The Helicopter! The gentleman taking care, and in charge of, the 240th Memorbilia is Brian W. Patch, Archives and Documentation Department. Brian can be contacted at the following email:
and can also be contacted by the phone number and fax.
Tel.+44(0)1934 635227
Fax.+44(0)1934 645230
240th Members and their families thank Rob and Vic Cobley, their friend, Phil, a Veteran of the British Army for taking the time to see that our unit is represented at this helicopter museum. A fellow 240th Member and Greyhound and Mad Dog, Steve Watts, gear was obtained directly from Stuart Thompson (owner of the group for approx. 10 years ),at a slightly reduced price as long as I agreed to Stuarts aim to reunite the grouping to Steve or his family if they so wish. We are honored to have them in the 240th Family. If any one gets over to England and to the museum, I hope to in 2005, let us know about your trip and thoughts and feelings about seeing our great unit represented across the "big pond!" We have tried unsuccessfully to track down Steve Watts or his family. If any one has any information and comes in contact with Steve Watts and his family please let us know.

I would also like to thank Paul 'Frenchy' LaChance, Terry Mossis, Billy Marchetti, John Thrift and Felix Bates for sending Rob items and memorabilia of the 240th AHC so we could proudly be represented at the helicopter museum. If any one else sent items to Rob, please contact us so we can add your name above.
Joe 'Ragman' Tarnovsky ragman240@aol.com
Paul 'Frenchy' LaChance Plach5@aol.com
Linda Luther texastwister@texoma.net
As always, a deep heartfelt thanks to our webmistress, Ms. Linda Luther, for adding this current page to LZ and Flightline websites and for all the love and dedication she has extended to us over the years.
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